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3 inch Standard

Example of use
HUBY340 CA-002

CA-002 is 3 inch cotton applicator. Head is spherical and stem are stick and hard, easy to use for variously. Maintenance, cleaning for precision machinery and et cetera, one of the very popular item.
[Regular carton]25,000pieces(25pieces×50packs×20boxes) Outer carton W52.0×D29.0×H43.6cm 12.4kg (Inner carton W21.0×D14.0×H10.0cm)

HUBY340 CA-003

CA-003 is 3 inch cotton applicator. Head is sharp and stem are stick and hard, easy to use for variously. Maintenance, cleaning for precision machinery and etcetera.
[Regular carton]25,000pieces(25pieces×50packs×20boxes) Outer carton W52.0×D29.0×H43.6cm 12.5kg (Inner carton W21.0×D14.0×H10.0cm)

2-3-28, Wakamatsucho-higashi,
Tondabayashi, Osaka, 584-0023,
TEL: (+81)-721-20-0120
FAX: (+81)-721-20-0278
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